Betsy Harms Blog2020-08-26T15:00:40-05:00

How Does SCO & ECO Work With Revenue Protection

By |January 17th, 2022|

Revenue Protection (RP) Based on an APH yield of 200, 80% Revenue Protection provides 160 bushel guarantee. With no other coverage, there is a bushel deductible of 40 bushels per acre. You can see this illustrated in the first bar. Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) SCO is a county based coverage [...]

What is PACE?

By |January 17th, 2022|

PACE (Post Application Coverage Endorsement) is a new crop insurance product for 2021. This coverage is for crop operations that use split nitrogen applications. If wet weather or an insurable cause of loss prevent the post nitrogen application from the V3-V10 growth stages, an insurance claim would trigger to pay [...]

About Us

Phillips Stafford Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency with office locations around Iowa. We specialize in working with business owners to protect, grow, and transition their business. We are also well equipped to handle all personal insurance needs.

Contact Info

2840 104th St, Urbandale, IA 50322

Phone: (515) 978-9010

Fax: 888-670-3251

Phillips Stafford Agents are Independently contracted.

Licensed in IA, AZ, KS, MN, MO, NE, OH, SD

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