PACE (Post Application Coverage Endorsement) is a new crop insurance product for 2021. This coverage is for crop operations that use split nitrogen applications. If wet weather or an insurable cause of loss prevent the post nitrogen application from the V3-V10 growth stages, an insurance claim would trigger to pay for potential yield decreases due to lack of nitrogen.

The farmer will provide their percent split between pre and post application. The post application percentage will determine the potential yield loss factor. For example: If the post application percentage is 40%, the yield loss factor is .06 (6% of APH Yield).

Coverage is available from 75% to 90% in 5% increments. Select units for which split application will apply.


Here is an example of how to determine the PACE coverage guarantee:

200 bushel APH x 6% PACE loss Factor = 12 bushels

12 bushels x 90% PACE coverage level election = 10.8 bushels

10.8 bushels x $5.50 projected price = $59.40 of PACE coverage per acre