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    Manage Risk with Margin Protection

    By |2022-08-31T10:11:49-05:00August 26th, 2022|Bharms|

    What is your risk heading into next season? Price Yield Input Costs Margin Protection can help you manage these risks. Price: Margin Protection allows you to lock in a price during August/September prior to the crop year, instead of waiting until federal crop insurance price discovery in February. In the fall, you are beginning to [...]

      Price Protection Diversification

      By |2022-08-18T10:52:19-05:00August 18th, 2022|Bharms|

      What are you doing for price protection? The volatility in the market right can easily swing prices in one direction or the other very quickly. Margin Protection allows you to obtain a projected price in August/September ahead of the next season's crop. For federal crop insurance, the projected price is not set until February of [...]

        2022 Margin Protection, Bad Idea or Good Idea?

        By |2022-08-26T16:51:26-05:00August 11th, 2022|Bharms|

        It has been almost 1 year since farmers purchased Margin Protection for the 2022 crop. At that time, corn prices were on the rise and locking in $5 corn looked very attractive heading into harvest. The fear of increasing input costs also weighed on many minds. Then February rolled around and corn prices were still [...]

          Green Snap, Wind, Extra Harvest Expense

          By |2022-06-23T15:29:27-05:00June 23rd, 2022|Bharms|

          What's the difference between green snap, wind, and extra harvest expense coverage? Green Snap Green snap provides coverage for a broken or severed stalk at a node above the brace roots and below the ear. Wind Wind provides coverage for flattening, bending, or breaking of the stalk. Extra Harvest Expense Extra harvest expense coverage provides [...]

          Phillips Stafford Enters The Eastern Iowa Market, Brings On Matt Lafrenz

          By |2022-06-16T14:01:01-05:00June 8th, 2022|Uncategorized|

          We are excited to announce that we have officially entered the Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois insurance markets following the opening of our office in Tipton, Iowa.  Phillips Stafford Insurance Group welcomes Matt Lafrenz to the team to head up the Tipton, Iowa office. Matt started his insurance career as a captive agent with Country [...]

            Livestock Risk Protection

            By |2022-04-14T15:02:43-05:00April 14th, 2022|Bharms|

            What is Livestock Risk Protection? Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is customizable price protection for cattle and hogs. How does Livestock Risk Protection work?  You have the opportunity to lock in a coverage price based on the futures closing price. You select the number of head, expected selling weight, and expected selling date. If the actual [...]

              How Does SCO & ECO Work With Revenue Protection

              By |2022-01-17T14:24:43-06:00January 17th, 2022|Bharms|

              Revenue Protection (RP) Based on an APH yield of 200, 80% Revenue Protection provides 160 bushel guarantee. With no other coverage, there is a bushel deductible of 40 bushels per acre. You can see this illustrated in the first bar. Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) SCO is a county based coverage that starts where Revenue Protection [...]

              About Us

              Phillips Stafford Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency with office locations around Iowa. We specialize in working with business owners to protect, grow, and transition their business. We are also well equipped to handle all personal insurance needs.

              Contact Info

              2840 104th St, Urbandale, IA 50322

              Phone: (515) 978-9010

              Fax: 888-670-3251

              Phillips Stafford Agents are Independently contracted.

              Licensed in IA, AZ, KS, MN, MO, NE, OH, SD

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