Jarrin Davey

809 8th St, SW, Suite D
Altoona, IA 50009
Phone: 515-978-8979

Contact Me

Jarrin Davey

At our agency we specialize in working with our clients to protect their family, assets, and future income using a comprehensive insurance plan. We learn what our clients need, shop our partner companies to find the best fit, then place the policies that provide the protection needed at the cost desired.

Our specialty is working with personal clients looking for a competitive home and auto policy as well as small business owners that need help protecting and growing their company. We believe in a consultative approach. We begin with learning what our client's specific needs are and end with supplying a personalized and customized insurance plan.

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How has PRF worked in 2024?

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2024 Harvest Prices

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809 8th St, Suite D
Altoona, IA 50009


Phone: 515-978-8979
Email: jdavey@phillipsstafford.com