Now that we are in the sales season for 2025 Margin Protection. You may want to be updated on how the 2024 Margin Protection coverage is tracking.

Some input cost harvest prices have been settled: DAP, diesel, potash, and urea. In October, the corn and interest harvest prices will be calculated. County yields will not be known until June of 2025.



Hardin County. 95% Coverage, 100% Protection Factor


Corn Harvest Price $4.10

Unchanged Hardin Co. Yield 212.6, Unchanged interest 10.54%

Estimated Margin Protection Indemnity $142 per acre

(Remember any individual Revenue Protection loss is subtracted from the Margin Protection Indemnity. For Revenue Protection to trigger with a $4.10 Harvest Price, the farmer would have to yield less than their APH.)


Corn Harvest Price $4.10 & County Yield 10% Higher than Expected @ 233

Unchanged interest 10.54%

Estimated Margin Protection Indemnity $59 per acre 


Soybean Harvest Price $10.00

Unchanged Hardin Co. Yield 61.3, Unchanged interest 1.54%

Estimated Margin Protection Indemnity $140 per acre


Soybean Harvest Price $10.00 & County Yield 10% Higher than Expected @ 67.4

Unchanged interest 10.54%

Estimated Margin Protection Indemnity $79 per acre 


Remember these are estimates to help you understand how 2024 Margin Protection is tracking. Final Margin Protection indemnities are not settled until June 2025.