CFAP 2 payments are now available through December 11.

  1. Complete an application
    • Here is the link to the application page –
    • I have applications in my office that can be completed and returned the FSA office.
    • I can provide your total reported acres for 2020 and your 2020 APH.
  2.  Payments
    • Corn payments: 2020 Reported Acres x Nationwide Crop Marketing Percentage 40% x Crop-Specific Payment Rate $0.58 x Your Weighted 2020 APH
      • If APH is not available, 85% of the weighted 2019 ARC-CO benchmark yield will be used.
      • 200 bushel APH = $46.40 per acre payment
    • Soybean payments: 2020 Reported Acres x Nationwide Crop Marketing Percentage 54% x Crop-Specific Payment Rate $0.58 x Your Weighted 2020 APH
      • If APH is not available, 85% of the weighted 2019 ARC-CO benchmark yield will be used.
      • 55 bushel APH = $17.22 per acre payment
    • Beef Cattle payments: Producer’s Maximum Owned Inventory from April 16-August 31 x Payment Rate $55 per head.
      • Excludes breeding stock
    • Hogs and Pigs payments: Producer’s Maximum Owned Inventory from April 16-August 31 x Payment Rate $23 per head.
      • Excludes breeding stock
    • Lambs and Sheep payments: Producer’s Maximum Owned Inventory from April 16-August 31 x Payment Rate $27 per head.
      • Excludes breeding stock
  3. Links for more information